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Get Ready for Change: Ensuring Resource Sustainability in an iPod?WorldJanuary 30-February 1, 2008Tan-Tar-A Resort and Golf ClubLake of the OzarksPlenary Speakers:Richard Louv, author ofLast Child in the Woods: Saving Our Child
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...... Google Search PUBLICATIONS QUICK LINKSRaising Achievement and Closing Gaps– Conference XIIConference Dates& Registration InformationYou are invited to attend and participate in the twelfth Raising Achieve
RHHT Corporate Board of Directors Tom Barron(Chairman)Colin Phipps(President)Jane Barron(Vice President)Terrie Brooks(Vice President) Marvin Mayer(Vice President) Chuck RobertsGayle NelsonCynthia TunnicliffKeith JordanJim Dahl U