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WednesdayFebruary 6th, 2008 President’s 2007 Annual ReportThe 15th year of Madison Ultimate Frisbee Association Inc.(MUFA) existence was truly the most productive. Most importantly our leagues set record number of play
***IMPORTANT COMMUNITY NEWS BELOW******Environmental Assessment information*** What is MUTC?Located in South Central Indianas Jennings County near Butlerville, the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center(MU
Resource Directory Description Language(RDDL)This Version: February 18, 2002Latest Version: Version: March 5, 2001Editors: Jonathan Borden, The Open Healthcare GroupTim Bray, Systems Tabl
Recreational Software Advisory CouncilRSACiRSAC no longer exists. In 1999 it was"folded into" ICRA(formerly the Internet Content RatingAssociation), which is part of the Family Online Safety Institute. The origi