Michigan Harmony Brigade Our charter rally is re-scheduled for May 2009 A word from co-founders- Joe and Rob. Contact us if you're interested in becoming a participant! Who are"Brigaders"?Brigaders are Society
2008 Midwest Rowing Championships have been cancelled for 2008 Expect MRC to return in 2009! Visit Regatta Central for Entries: [Home] [Race Info ] [Event Info] [Area Info ] [Volunteer] [Links] [Contact Us] Need to contact someo
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North Carolina League for Nursing An Affiliate of the National League for Nursing President's Greeting Julia Aucoin, DNS, RN President NCLN 2007- 2009 Welcome to the North Carolina League for Nursing(NCLN) website. We are deligh
Today is March 8, 2008 2008 Conference, Oct. 22-25, 2008, Denver, Colorado Call for Nominations(2/26/08)NCPG is currently seeking nominations for six at-large positions on the 2009 NCPG Board of Directors. NCPG councils and indi
History:: Board of Directors:: Calendar of Events:: Newsletters:: Highlights 20th Anniversary Celebration 2007 Executive Leadership Training& Mujer Awards Conference Click here to see highlights. Apply to the 2009 Execut
Visit the Official Site for the 2009 Celebration of John Calvin's Quincentenary We hope you will find this site useful as a resource for information about our churches and the work of our presbytery, which is part of the Presbyt