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(IAGB) India Association of Greater Boston is the premier Indian-American organization in New England representing the Indian-American community in the Greater Boston area,Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Isand.Join Our Ema
The International Business Professionals Group(IBPG) provides a forum for DFW professionals with international business expertise to: ConnectCollaborateBuild knowledgeImprove their careers Members have international business bac
International Council on English Braille(ICEB)NEWSICEB 2008 General Assembly Plans AnnouncedThe next ICEB General Assembly is to be held in Melbourne, Victoria,Australia, in April 2008. SeeGA 2008 Circular 1with details of the a
Most of the development of IDFS is funded through various NASA contracts andgrants where Dr. David Winningham is the Principal Investigator at SouthwestResearch Institute(SwRI) of each of the projects. Work done under NASAcontra
The Independent Energy Producers of Maine(IEPM) is a not-for-profit association of renewable power producers, suppliers of goods and services to those producers, and other supporters of this industry. IEPM power producer members
Welcome to the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs(IIRA)Located at Western Illinois University, the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs is designed to improve the quality of life in rural areas by developing public-private par