2008 SE4A Annual Conference scheduled for October 26-29, 2008 Help set the 2008 SE4A Legislative Agenda. Email completed survey to: barbara.gordon@ky.gov
Calendar of EventsSouth Kona Arts FestivalFeb 16, 2008 9:00- 4:00Current NewsletterSouth Kona Arts FestivalKona Brewfest 2008 Spring Art CampPidgin PoetryMagic Spectacular 2008 Summer Art Camp ClassesAbout SKEA NewsKahikina's Uke
Contact Site Map Search About SOBP Statement of Purpose Committees Officers and Councilors Society Staff Society Ethics Statement Annual Meetings 2008 Annual Meeting Submit an Abstract 2008 Brochure 2008 Meeting Registration 200
HOME COMPETITIONS SPECIAL EVENTS ATHLETES VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTE LOCAL PROGRAMS ABOUT SOWV Polar Plunge- CharlestonJanuary 26, 2008 Winter GamesFebruary 6-8, 2008 Polar Plunge- Cheat LakeFebruary 16, 2008 State Basketball Tourname
HomeSurvey OnlineNewsForumLinksContact Us Newsflash23 Maret 2008, Sekolah Republik Indonesia di Tokyo(big event- Purdie E. Chandra Primagama)20 April 2008, Daerah Kansai, waktu dan tempat tentatifBulan Mei 2008, Daerah Chugoku,
DATES TO REMEMBERJanuary 1, 2008 Lodging Reservation Deadline January 5, 2008 Registration and Lift Ticket Order Deadlinedownload meeting info here pdf or word UPCOMING CONFERENCES2008 Summer Neuropeptide Conference(SNP) Tel-Avi