2008 Florida Coast2Coast Ride IV'25 Years Later'Saturday, October 11, 2008History of RideRegisterRide ReviewsRider ListAll proceeds benefit the Leukemia& Lymphoma SocietyThe first Florida Coast2Coast Ride took place on Oc
FATE AWARDS 2008 WINNERS!BEST CLASSIC BARThe Botanic InnBEST STYLE BARApartmentBEST Cocktail BARApartmentBEST Gastro PubThe Dirty DuckBEST FRONT OF HOUSEMorgan Watson(Apartment)BEST CHEF Andy Rea(Mourne Seafood)BEST RESTAURANTZe
2008 President CAMPAIGNS With the race to see who will be the President of the United States is under way, 2008PresidentCampaigns.Com strives to provides an unbiased view of where the Candidates fall on the important issues of t
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