Jevy’s blogTo be: Simple, Authentic and RelevantI Can BelievableI couldn’t resist:[youtube Ryas9OANw-E]Posted at 7pm on 15/02/08| no comments| Filed Under: Uncategorized read onMr. Rogers GoodbyeBAHHH. Mr. Ro
home about us projects news photos contact/contribute Welcome To The KCFF Website! The Kisumu Children’s Foundation Fund is an all volunteer effort to make a difference with the overwhelming problems of dis
Dennis Koho's Home PageVisitor Count: Here are some things that interest me. One day I will completely update this page, butfor now, take what you want and leave the rest.The Law Fully embracing the"better late than never&qu
Your browser does not support script User:Pass: Home PageHello family and friends! Welcome to the Kott family's Home Page!Okay, now that you have read all that, you can browse around and look at ourphotos, pages, links, etc. Hav
Knowledge can best be given where there is eagerness to learn, so this is the period when the seed of everything can be sown, the child's mind being like a fertile field, ready to receive what will germinate into knowledge&qu
LAWS(the Loudoun Abused Women's Shelter) opened in March 1985 to provide temporary emergency shelter, food and emotional support to women and their children who were escaping domestic violence and abuse. Currently LAWS offers a