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Welcome....This page started as a simple page after playing around with Quanta Plus(great tool!).It's still a simple page, but now I actually use it as a link collection of some small services and pages I have gathered:My person
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[ Home ] [ Photos ] [ Me ] [ Blog ] [ Useful Bits ] [ Wasted Disk ] [ Hacks ] Bill's webpage. Wasting bits on the Internet since'93. Photos Pics taken using my Minolta Dimage G500. Me Just a wee bit of narcissism. Blog Rants, ra
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Willy Gommel's Second Domain PageWelcome!Edition of February 20, 2005 This page represents my first venture into web hosting using my own server in my living room. This web site—— is presently If
Whyy’s RamblingsBlogAboutCoH GirlsRenfair PicsWebComic links End of the yearDecember 31, 2007 on 12:37 am| In Contributors, life| Comments OffWell it is the end of the year 2007. I am now officially 46 years old. Whee.
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Welcome to WattlesPark Men's Club in Battle Creek, Michigan! This home page is designed to keep you informed of opportunities for participation in WPMC programs. Please follow the link to a particular sport. You may print out a