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All Things Considered Coming up next:(7pm) Interconnect(( LISTEN ONLINE NOW)) Windows Media Player| RealPlayer| MP3 NEW: Jazz Channel(HD2) using Real DAYTON CINCINNATI 6pm 7pm Interconnect- Fighting Fraudulent Self-Help, Guest:
Fresh Air Coming up next:(2pm) Talk of the Nation(( LISTEN ONLINE NOW)) Windows Media Player| RealPlayer| MP3 NEW: Jazz Channel(HD2) using Real DAYTON CINCINNATI 1pm 2pm 4pm 7pm Free Advice- The Latest in Consumer Electronics, G
Morning Edition Coming up next:(9am) Soundhealth(( LISTEN ONLINE NOW)) Windows Media Player| RealPlayer| MP3 NEW: Jazz Channel(HD2) using Real DAYTON CINCINNATI 6am 9am Soundhealth- Bi-Polar Disorder, Guests: Jan A. Fawcett, MD,