ҳ|| QQ|||Խת||Ӱ|ͼ˵|ʱ| BT 2008ڴ...ȫʷǿǿ鳵(ͼ) 2008걱˻(Ƶ)Ű֥ʾл
The Federal Republic of Germany is one of the world's major industrialised countries, located in the middle of Europe. It is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark and the Baltic Sea, to its east by Poland and the Czech
ο:ע|¼|Ա||̳ʩ|ͳ|Ž̳: 0ϸ/ͷ:οϴη 2008-3-28 04:11鿴||Ѷ 165ƪ/ 3960ƪ/ 0ƪӹ 134λԱ/ӭ»Ա wowo[Ž]̳.
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